WILD HORSES OF ALTO (W.H.O.A!) disclaimer: this blog is in no way associated with the group WHOA (Wild Horse Observers Association). This blog has actually become like a vertical file in the library where important past documents - like newspaper articles - are filed and kept for research when needed. It has become almost a lesson in librarianship for me.
WILD HORSES OF ALTO The herd of wild horses in Alto, N.M., are the offspring of estray horses that roamed Sierra Blanca on Mescalero and National Forest land. Today the herds roam the same territory as well as dropping in to visit some of the subdivisions, such as Enchanted Forest, Sierra Vista, Sun Valley, LaJunta, Little Creek and occasionally Alto Lakes Golf & Country Club. For the most part, the herds are loved and welcomed. But sometimes not.
At this time, it is being decided in a court of law whether the horses are wild or domesticated (and therefore estray). At present, the horses fall under the auspices of the N.M. Livestock Board. We are trying to save all members the herd and other herds that exist in the area. We do NOT want to deny the horses the freedom they have known in the past and the comradeship the herd provides them.
To institute change in the policy and protect the future of our magnificent Wild Horses of Alto herd, we have a petition at https://www.change.org/p/new-mexico-governor-save-alto-wild-horses, a fundraising site for lawyers and feed/care at https://www.gofundme.com/altohorses, an account set up at City Bank-Ruidoso for donations to the "Wild Horses of Lincoln County Trust Fund" and an ongoing facebook group "Bring Ruidoso Horse's Back". Click on the Stallion's photo to go directly there.
PLEASE SPEAK UP, sign petitions, give to the trust fund for the horses. Sign up to this blog to get continual updates and to also post your own comments.
Wild Horses of Lincoln County/WHOA vs NMLB COURT DATE: November 16th 2017 1:00PM at Carrizozo 12th District Court
Spent some time today with our captured herd. They are so undeserving of what is being done to them by the TRO & the court case. Hopefully there will be a decision on the 16th & this nightmare will end for them. We are in need of donations to continue caring for them. There have been so many caring people in the community, around NM & out of state that have dug deep in there pockets to make sure these horses are given the best care possible & it has been GREATLY appreciated. Hopefully we just have to get them through the 16th & this nightmare will be over for them. So please if you can donate please do so. Call Peggy Annen-Schoemann @ Little Bear Feed @ 973-2388. We now are starting them on alfalfa so the bales are a little cheaper.
While a dozen or more members of a horse herd that roamed the Alto area are confined to fenced pens awaiting their fate, individuals who voiced support for the horses in the past seemed to have split into different sides with different goals.
Saturday, several of the original supporters who sounded the alarm after the horses were rounded up by a homeowner and later hauled to Santa Fe by the New Mexico Livestock Board, and five who signed on as official caretakers of the horses when they were returned, called a meeting to discuss the equines’ future.
But when members of the Wild Horse Observers Association arrived, the story gets hazy with both sides contending the other was disruptive and intimidating. WHOA is a nonprofit Placitas-based organization that filed for a temporary restraining order to prevent the state from selling the herd at auction.
Ruidoso Police Chief Darren Hooker said his officers were on stand-by to ensure no major problems developed at Wingfield Park in Ruidoso. Although a permit for use of the park pavilion had been obtained by Barbara Yates, one of the meeting organizers, the individuals decided to regroup at a local real estate office.
“I told the officer that our message is not about fighting, our message is about truth and facts,” Yates said Monday. “So we decided to leave to help the officers keep the peace.”
She emphasized that most of the local people at the meeting were not members of any organization, but individuals who still are committed to the welfare of the horses.
One of the major criticisms by those at the relocated meeting was their contention that WHOA is not contributing financially toward the physical care of the horses despite collection jars in the county stating that purpose. They urged that donations for the horses be paid directly to Little Bear Feed in Capitan, where an account is established. They said if anyone is concerned about past donations, they can request the charities investigation arm of the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office to look into the finances.
Another criticism is their contention that a resolution is needed to ensure the future care of the horses, who now are in limbo awaiting a judge’s ruling on a motion for summary judgment in favor of WHOA and a motion by the state attorney general’s office on behalf of the livestock board that when WHOA filed the suit, it had no standing on the issue, because it did not have a county resident on its board.
Yates, Melissa Babcock and Robbi Davis among others point to an agreement by the Livestock Board that depending on the judge’s ruling, caretaker signers for the horses would have first option to adopt and that any other applicants would be screened. If any horses from a roaming herd are penned in the future, the board would consult the community before taking action, an element missing in the original situation.
Yates noted that while an informal similar agreement was struck before, the new agreement would have force of law with court action.
Ari Biernoff, the lawyer who represents the livestock board from the attorney general’s office and was at the meeting, said that the agreement was worked out when he met earlier in the year with the nine signers who are responsible for the horses while they are confined.
The individuals at the meeting seemed convinced the horse herd could not be released to roam the Alto area again. Yates explained that “public land” where the horses could be “allowed” is practically nonexistent and does not include the national forest. Defining the term “public land” was one of the issues Bryant wanted to research before ruling on the two motions, she pointed out.
“We all love these horses and want them to stay on our mountain and be under the local care and control of the community, because that’s who been watching out for them all along,” Yates said. “The livestock board has said they are not interested in rounding up wild horses. That’s not their job. But if (WHOA) keeps us in court as (WHOA president) Patience O’Dowd has done in Placitas, these horses are in legal limbo and it’s not fair to them. They are living breathing creatures and to me that is cruel. I’m not saying they are not getting proper care, but they can’t halter break them, they can’t even do simple things like farrier care without all this drama and stress on the horses. It’s not right.
“We all were told 120 days (and the horses’ fate would be settled) and it is way past that.”
O’Dowd stated her position in a prepared statement submitted to the Ruidoso News:
“The community of Ruidoso and Alto are overwhelmingly united for the freedom of these majestic wild horses. This is clear from the over 94,000 signatures for freedom, and wild horse tourism, also from the 95 (percent) of the Enchanted Forest community in a door to door petition filed with the court. This support for freedom also includes three of (the) signers, one being a life-long horse professional as well as WHOA/Wild Horses of Lincoln County experts.
“All money raised for the Alto horses from within the community and from outside the community has been spent, and will be spent, on these horses for their care and their freedom. There are no salaried WHOA board members. WHOA has spent over $15,000 for feed and care of the horses and continues as able while the opposition increases costs by delay. This documentation (is) available.
“WHOA has not delayed the courts. The courts scheduling order stated that motions should be filed by April 10, 2017, and WHOA respectfully filed its last motion for Summary Judgement on that date. However, since that date, the NMLB has filed four motions, all long after the requested end date for motions. Each motion requires a minimum of six weeks to allow both sides to respond, and allows for three extensions for each side. Hence, each motion can delay court resolution for two months or even more. Each motion also increases costs for attorney's fees for freedom and hay costs for internment. WHOA has respected the courts scheduling order.
“WHOA has not changed sides and has stayed true to the Mission Statement, which is freedom. WHOA has replied to the motion to dissolve the Temporary Restraining Order and adopt out all the horses. This is a question for the courts and the experts. WHOA opposes this motion.”
Although one herd's ultimate disposition is unresolved, at least two other horse herds still roam the Alto and Ski Run Road area.
Using an old photo, but The Stallion can be seen just wandering around neighborhoods all by himself. It is as if he is going by checking all their stomping grounds. Are they here? Photo by Shannan Dobbs-Gabaldon
Dianne L Stallings , Ruidoso News
Published 11:45 a.m. MT March 28, 2017 | Updated 11:50 a.m. MT March 28, 2017
Head of the Wild Horse Observers Association offers some comments about bills
the dust finally settling on the New Mexico Legislature’s 2017 session,
most of the bills and memorials dealing with wild horses died in
The dead include House Bill 446 called Wild Horse in
Statute and the accompanying House Memorial 102, Protection of Wild
Horses. Also among the dead were House Joint Memorial 17, Protection of
Wild Horses, and Senate Bill 126 introduced by Republican Pat Woods from
Broadview, that would have changed livestock and wild horse
definitions. That last bill was opposed by many local wild horse
advocates as an attempt to eliminate the existence of wild horses in the
state by classifying horses as livestock, but supported by some who
contended the bill’s provisions protected property owners as well as
horses. A second bill introduced by Woods, Senate Bill 184, Disposition
of Trespassing Wild Horses, also died in committee.
The only
survivor among the passel of proposed legislation was House Bill 390,
Equine Rescue and Shelter Right of Refusal. The bill gives registered
equine rescue or retirement facilities the first right of refusal to
purchase an unclaimed horse classified as estray, or those that have
been cruelty treated or caught while trespassing. If an owner doesn’t
claim an estray equine within the allotted few days after the last
publication of notice, a rescue or retirement facility will be given the
chance to purchase the horse. If neither action occurs, the state
livestock board has the right to sell the horse, which would include
buyers with the intent to slaughter. If no bids are received, the board
can order the horse to be humanely euthanized.
Patience O’Dowd,
who heads the Wild Horse Observers Association, the group that
interceded after the roundup of a dozen members of a wild horse herd in
Alto, offered some observations about the bills considered in the state
legislative session that ended earlier this month.
She said the
insertion of exemptions for horses of Spanish colonial origin in Wood’s
SB126 was not pushed by her organization, it was another group that
works with the livestock board.
“It was a shill,” she said. “All it did was make a bad bill look good. It did not improve things at all.”
some legislators were educated enough on the issue not to be fooled,
she said. They correctly understood the rule of law.
“WHOA had two
very successful years in the legislature in 2006 and 2007,” O’Dowd
said. “In those two years we passed SB655 and three memorials.”
senate bill was the basis for the successful court cases and was
codified in state statute, defining Spanish colonial horses, requiring
them to be relocated to horse preserves, allowing for adoption and
providing for the control of wild horse population by means of birth
During the 2017 legislative session, three lobbyist
organizations attended every committee meeting speaking for SB126,
O’Dowd said.
“They all were ganging up to support 126, which is a
bad bill for wild horses and would remove their protection as wild
horses,” O’Dowd said. “So we had a stream roller coming down on these
wild horses while we’re in the middle of (the) district court (case) and
they were attempting to basically play legislative favoritism and roll
over our judicial branch of government.”
WHOA previously received a
temporary injunction against the sale of the Alto herd after it was
rounded up, and is challenging in district court, the jurisdiction of
the New Mexico Livestock Board insistence that wild horses are estray
People just didn’t bother reading the bill when they saw that an animal protection voters group backed it, O'Dowd said.
there are people in roundhouse who know how to read for themselves,”
she said. “Luckily, a new fiscal analysis was written at end that
admitted to legilslative favortism and a clear attempt to overturn all
financial investment and time of the people and the court and the
previous legislature."
Under SB126, few if any horses would have
been considered wild and pass the test for protection. The bill also
contained nothing to stop the livestock board from declaring a wild
horse an estray livestock. The board previously has never declared any
horse “wild,” not even the Spanish colonials, despite the board’s own
genetic testing showing the Placitas horses at 91 percent to 96 percent
Spanish markers, significantly more than the 80 percent probability
required, according to WHOA’s web presentation on the bill. The other
problems with the amended bill were that wild horses would have to
originate on public land, they could be classified as livestock and
would have preempted federal law by removing the requirement that
livestock be domestic or owned. The bill would have placed the wild
horses under a board that never has recognized their existence as wild,
the website stated.
Senate Bill 126 wasn’t taken down for lack of
time, O'Dowd said. “It was taken down because of those issues. We did
everything every step of the way we could under the law."
of that, the wild horses prevailed and they are still protected and we
still have a viable court case and we will still be there in court for
those horses," she said. "We would have anyway, because we would have
taken further action. The horses have nothing to hide from. The truth
and law are on their side. Since 126 didn’t pass, the horses remain
under the same protection that they had from existing laws 10 years
While HB390 was “a decent bill” in its original form, amendments changed that, O’Dowd said.
the horse rescuers, HB390 gives them first right of refusal, so they
don’t have to compete with kill buyers or the public,” she said. “They
have to pay $100 or $200, which is what they usually pay now, sometimes
less. It just gives them first opportunity, so it will protect a few
estray livestock equine from kill buyers. But those not bid on in the
first round and that the rescue groups don’t take, the kill buyers will
take them in the second round. That second option wasn’t there in the
(original bill).” According to testimony, the livestock board and
industry requested the amendments and the sponsor allowed them, she
Dianne L Stallings , Ruidoso News
12:03 p.m. MT March 14, 2017
the New Mexico Legislature prepares to close its session, debate still
boils over how to protect wild horses and private property
the 2017 session of the New Mexico Legislature drawing to a close
Saturday, people on different sides of the “wild horse” debate in
Lincoln County and elsewhere in the state are pushing for passage of
bills or memorials they hope will clarify the status of the herds that
roam the Alto and Ski Run Road area.
One side is focusing more on protection of private property rights and the other on protection of the horses and their freedom.
latest proposed legislation is House Memorial 102 introduced by State
Rep. Joanne J. Ferrary, a Democrat from District 37, with input from
Patience O’Dowd, head of Wild Horse Observers Association. Her
organization won a temporary injunction against the sale of a dozen
members of a “wild” herd hauled away and then returned to Lincoln County
by New Mexico Livestock Board. The case is pending in district court.
The memorial acknowledges the role of the conservation division of the
state Department of Game and Fish in “protecting, maintaining and
enhancing wildlife habitat,” and requests the division conduct an
interim study and to provide recommendation for the protection,
maintenance an enhancement of wild horse herds and habitat in the state.
memorial notes that the state has not managed the population of wild
horses by immunocontraception in the last 10 years despite public
policy, and contends management more likely would occur if a specific
state agency had jurisdiction. Several tribes and pueblos already are
managing wild horse population by immunocontraception and officials with
two nongovernmental organizations as well are trained to administer the
drug by darting, the memorial states. Fewer than 300 wild horses are on
federal and state grazing lands in New Mexico compared to half a
million cattle, it contends.
A long list of stakeholders in the
well-being of wild horses included artists, outfitters, horse rescue
groups, rural economic development organizations and the state tourism,
the memorial states.
The New Mexico Livestock Board has exercised
control over the wild horses of the state, considering them to be estray
livestock subject to capture and disposal by the board, but the
conservation services division is better suited to determine the status,
needs, habitat requirements and issues of human interaction with wild
horses than the board, according to the memorial. After tangling with
the livestock board over horses in Alto and Placitas, wild herd
advocates also seem to lack trust in the livestock board's intentions, a
significant impediment.
The legislature’s website listed the
memorial Tuesday as referred to the House State Government, Indian and
Veterans Affairs Committee.
O’Dowd insists that advocates for the
well-being of the wild horse herds can no longer support Senate Bill
126, introduced by State Sen. Pet Woods, a Republican from District 7,
if they claim they are against the slaughter of horses. The amended bill
passed the Senate 32-2 and was sent to the House State Government,
Indian and Veterans Affairs Committee.
The bill classifies horses
as livestock, but defines a wild horse as unclaimed without obvious
brands or other evidence of private ownership determined by the board to
originate from public land or federal land or to be part of, or
descended from a herd that lives on or originated from public land.
Excepted are horses that are subject to the jurisdiction of the federal
government pursuant to the federal Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros
Act and those determined to a Spanish Colonial horse.
horses could be relocated to a preserve, adopted or humanely euthanized.
A herd could be removed from a range, if the range improvement task
force of New Mexico State University makes that recommendation after
evaluating the condition of the rangeland in response to a request from
the livestock board.
One of the key players in the situation with
the Alto herd contends whether the horses there came from the
reservation or from the wilderness area of the national forest is
irrelevant, because both are federal land.
“So that gives the
so-called wild horses special dispensation,” she said. “It does not mean
that if they are found wandering on private property, stallions
threatening mares or the well-being of private land or person that the
private landowner doesn’t have the right to call the NMLB. This bill
gives that protection to private land owners.”
She contended it is
“highly unlikely” anyone is going to complain about horses on public
land unless someone is injured on the highway.
She also noted that
the state fence-out law does not mean that a person must have a fence,
but if an owner does not put up a fence, and cattle or other livestock
enter the property and cause damage, the owner then cannot register a
legal claim for damage reimbursement.
Genetically verified Spanish
Colonial horses are considered valuable by breeders, she said. Few have
been verified in New Mexico. Senate Bill 126 also addresses testing to
determine if a captured horse is of Spanish colonial heritage and if it
is, to relocate it to a state or private wild horse preserve created and
maintained to protect Spanish colonial horses.
“If not, (the bill
reads that) it shall be returned to the state public land, relocated to
a public or private preserve or put up for adoption by the agency on
whose land the wild horse was captured,” she said. The livestock board
is the proper agency to manage wild horses and livestock, she contended.
pending legislation includes House Bill 390, introduced by State Rep.
Nathan Small, a Democrat from District 36, which would allow an equine
rescue group first chance to purchase an unclaimed estray horse or it
will be euthanized, later amended to allow public bid. Advocates contend
that bidding would include buyers headed to a slaughter house. The
amended bill was passed by the House 50-17 and referred to the Senate
Conservation Committee. The initial aim of the bill was to prevent
cruelty to livestock, advocates say.
House Bill 284, also
introduced by Woods, hasn’t moved from the Senate Conservation and
Senate Judiciary Committee referral. That bill deals with trespass on
private land by horses, giving the Livestock Board jurisdiction and
clarifying procedures to be followed when wild horses come into the
custody of the board, including adoption, relocation to a preserve or
Dianne L Stallings , Ruidoso News
Published 3:33 p.m. MT March 16, 2017 | Updated 3:36 p.m. MT March 16, 2017
and Fish officials contend they lack expertise to manage wild horses
and the effort would divert resources from indigenous wildlife
task of conducting a habitat study and then managing wild horse herds
in New Mexico would be costly and time-consuming, and would divert
resources of the conservation arm of the New Mexico Game and Fish
Department from indigenous wildlife management, according to a Fiscal
Analysis of House Bill 446 and its accompanying House Memorial 102.
the bill and the memorial were introduced by State Rep. Joanne Ferrary,
a Democrat from District 37, and both were tabled in committee this
week, according to a legislative spokesman. As the legislature prepares
to shut down at noon Saturday, the bill sits in the House Energy and
Natural Resources/House Judiciary Committee and the memorial, proposed
by Patience O'Dowd of the Wild Horse Observers Association,
languishes in the House State Government, Indian and Veterans Affairs
The bill would have expand the jurisdiction of Game and
Fish under the Wildlife Conservation Act to include wild horses without
defining the term, writers for the Legislative Finance Committee noted
in their analysis. The bill provides another definition of “wild horse,”
as simply a horse “showing no indicia of ownership.” That differs from
the definition in existing law governing the disposition of wild horses
captured on public land, including descendants of Spanish colonial
horses, the analysts stated.
The bill would transfer jurisdiction
over those horses from the state livestock board to game and fish and
would task the latter agency with determining when preservation of the
genetic stock and range conditions require the use of birth control to
limit a wild horse herd population. The bill also would extend the duty
of private landowners to fence their properties from trespassing horses
to include wild horses.
The report states that game and fish
officials estimate $340,000 for start-up costs in Fiscal 2017, that
would include hiring a wild horse biologist, conducting a survey of the
state to determine the locations of wild horse herds, and building or
leasing facilities to temporarily house horses while DNA testing is
conducted. Another $100,000 would be needed each year to continue the
work, plus a $50,000 annual estimated cost per horse to house and
maintain any captured Spanish colonial horses in perpetuity, if no one
adopts them and there is no public land or wild horse preserve
Listed as significant issues in the report were that
adding wild horses to the definition of wildlife under the WCA is
contrary to procedures laid out in state statute under the act. A
species first must be listed, a process that could take nine months to
one year and is only applicable to species of wildlife indigenous to the
state, which does not include wild horses.
A second issue is that
the livestock board has jurisdiction for managing wild horse, because
their employees work with the animals and have expertise and access to
facilities. Assigning the task to game and fish would take away
resources from managing native wildlife species, they stated.
issues include that the bill provided no chance for an owner to claim a
horse that may not be branded, tattooed, microchipped or showing other
indicia of ownership. And the release provision conflicts with language
that horses be adopted or relocated to other public land or to public or
private preserves.
The analysts noted that the wildlife
definition would “open the door for (game and fish) to create a
permitting system for horse hunting as wildlife.” They argued that no
long-term effective contraception methods exist and that fertility
control would have to be administered annually.
The analysis
contends the deadline to finish the survey of December 2017 is
unrealistic, because the agency has no expertise to manage wild horses,
new staff would have to be hired and existing staff would require
significant training. The agency also has no authority to implement any
recommendations derived from a study. The transfer of jurisdiction would
divert financial resources and could cost an initial $400,000 plus
$800,000 in additional personnel for habitat analysis, plus the expense
of helicopter surveys.
The analysts also had problems with some of
the wild horse population figures in the memorial, but acknowledged
that by not passing the bill, confusion over the capture and disposition
of wild horses may continue.
Dave Tomlin, Ruidoso News
9:36 a.m. MT Feb. 22, 2017
Cook and the museum he runs are designated by state law as experts on
wild horses with the power to order them captured, moved, neutered or
even euthanized. He has no idea why.
“It was really a mistake,” he says.
Cook is director of the University of New Mexico Museum of Southwestern Biology and also curator of its mammal division.
state law currently being disputed between the New Mexico Livestock
Board and advocates for Ruidoso’s free-roaming horses puts the museum in
sole charge of determining whether any given herd of wild horses is too
big for its own good or for the range it occupies.
“That language
was put in there 10 or 12 years ago without our knowledge,” Cook told
the News in a phone interview Tuesday. “It was slipped in there, and
unfortunately we didn’t know about it.”
Cook would like very much to see the museum slipped back out of the law, and it’s possible he may get his wish.
bill currently making its way through the state Senate would amend the
law to remove Cook’s museum and give its statutory job to something
called the Range Improvement Task Force at New Mexico State University
in Las Cruces.
This time legislators have at least given their designated wild horse experts a heads up.
been approached,” said Task Force coordinator Samuel Smallidge, who has
a doctorate in range science. “I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking
about it. I know these things have a tendency to be amended.”
is probably right not to invest too much time in the new assignment
yet. The main thrust of Senate Bill 126 involves other changes to the
law that may encounter stiff resistance, since they appear to strengthen
the Livestock Board’s control over wild horses that some horse
advocates don’t think the board should have.
Swapping in the NMSU
Task Force for the Museum of Southwestern Biology appears unrelated to
that goal, except for one thing. The proposed new language would get the
Task Force involved with wild horses only when the Livestock Board
called on them.
The existing state law contains no such
requirement. The museum’s mammal division is authorized to take action
on its own if it determines “that a wild horse herd exceeds the number
of horses that is necessary for preserving the genetic stock of the herd
and for preserving and maintaining the range.”
In such a case,
the museum can order birth control measures on the herd, and have excess
animals either moved to other public land or to a horse preserve, or
adopted or sent to a rescue facility. Animals found by a veterinarian to
be crippled or unhealthy can be euthanized on the museum’s authority.
museum wasn’t a completely off-the-wall choice for the job. Cook has a
doctorate in biology, and he and his staff do study the relationship
between wildlife populations and their environments.
“But not wild
horses,” he said. “We feel we’re not the right people to help figure
out anything about wild horses in New Mexico. We’re not horse
But under the proposed amendments, the Task Force
would do nothing unless the Livestock Board asked it to assess any given
herd of wild horses.
“Upon request of the board to determine the
viability of a specific New Mexico wild horse herd on the range they
occupy,” the statute says the Task Force will make an assessment and
report back to the Livestock Board. Then it’s up to the board to do all
the things the law now says the museum would do, i.e. moving, adopting,
neutering or euthanizing excess animals.
One other change from
existing law is that there’s no mention in the proposed amendments of
“preserving the genetic stock of the herd.” The focus of the Task Force
would be entirely on the range.
Smallidge said the Task Force is well qualified for the role the proposed amendments would assign to it.
Range Improvement Task Force does represent demonstrated capabilities
in collecting scientific data to inform decision makers regarding the
ecology and management of New Mexico rangelands,” Smallidge said.
the legislation,” he added, “I will leave that in the hands of the New
Mexico Legislature and respond appropriately to their decision.”
Conservation Committee passes bill that eliminates the classification of
domesticated horse and lumps equines as livestock with specific
advocates for wild horse herds in New Mexico piled into a bus at 3:30
a.m. Thursday and headed to Santa Fe to voice their views on an amended
version of a state senate bill they fead would lead to the elimination
of wild horse herds that roam the Alto area north of Ruidoso.
the efforts of advocates, they reported that members of the Senate
Conservation Committee passed the bill in less than five minutes.The
bill was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. A series of
hearings before the conservation committee led to modifications of the
original bill submitted by State Sen. Pat Woods, a Republican from Quay
County, that eliminates the classification of domesticated horse.
under the amended version horses still would be lumped into the broad
definition for livestock that fall under the jurisdiction of the New
Mexico Livestock Board, specific exceptions were included for Spanish
colonial horses and for a “wild horse” defined as an “unclaimed horse
without obvious brands or other evidence of private ownership that is
determined by the board to originate from public land or federal land or
to be part of or descended from a herd that lives on or originates from
public land; but does not include horses that are subject to the
jurisdiction of the federal government pursuant to the federal Wild
Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.”
Public land does not include federal land controlled by the Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service or state trust land.
the amended version, a wild horse captured on private land in New
Mexico at the discretion of the livestock board “shall be” humanely
captured and relocated to state public land or to a public or private
horse preserve; adopted by a qualified person (for an adoption fee); or
humanely euthanized provided the option is the last resort when the
horse is determined by a licensed veterinarian to be crippled or
otherwise unhealthy or cannot be relocated to a public or private wild
horse preserve or adopted.
A new section throws in
another wrinkle for the future of “wild horses” such as the herds in
Alto. That section in the amended bill provides when requested by the
board to determine the viability of a specific New Mexico wild horse
herd on the range they occupy, the range improvement task force of New
Mexico State University will evaluate the range conditions to determine
the number of wild horses that the range can support while maintaining
its ecological health.
The task force will report the
results of the evaluation to the board. “If required, the board may
cause control of the New Mexico wild horse herd population through the
use of birth control and may cause excess horses to be humanely
captured” and relocated, adopted or euthanized.
A second
bill introduced by Woods, SB284, which has not yet been heard in
committee, specifically deals with trespassing horses on private land.
It gives the livestock board jurisdiction over any horse trespassing on
fee simple private land and charges board representatives to attempt to
determine ownership and simultaneously to notify animal rescue
“If no owner can be identified after five
days, the horse shall be offered to animal rescue organizations. If no
animal rescue organization assumes ownership after two days, the board
may auction the horse,” SB284 states.
“These people apparently are hell bent on getting rid of the wild horses,’ one wild herd advocate said.
that the incoming president of the New Mexico Cattle Growers
Association backed the bill, contending it provided a remedy for a
private land owner beleaguered by trespassing unowned horses, a Santa Fe
attorney with government background said, “My question is, if a deer or
elk eats her trees, does she had a remedy? If a skunk sprays her dog,
does she have a remedy? If a coyote eats her cat, does she have a
remedy? Is the state required to provide a remedy at taxpayer expense
for every intrusion of wildlife onto private property?” The attorney
also questioned if any data exists showing that overgrazing by wild
horses has occurred on private land and how that data compared to
grazing by other wild animals.
Local wild herd advocates
mobilized in large numbers after the livestock board in August 2016
hauled away a dozen members of a herd in Alto that had been penned by a
private land owner. A lawsuit was filed by the Wild Horse Observers
Association that resulted in a temporary restraining order against the
sale of any of the horses in the herd. Under an agreement approved by
the court, the horses were returned to the county until the court
decides on the status of the herd as wild. That case still is pending in
the 12th Judicial District Court.
I understand it, a proposed New Mexico Senate Bill 126 ("Wild Horse
Kill Bill 126") will re-define ALL horses in the state as "livestock".
This will mandate authorities to round up and place feral horses into a
system which can include capture, removal, possible adoption, and
possible slaughter. Other, humane protocols are being developed, and this law will block that. This would directly impact the "Alto Wild Horses" still awaiting a legal judgment.
will be a Committee Meeting Thursday morning, and our voices must be
heard before then to prevent this bill from proceeding.
PLEASE contact each senator below. Simply click on their email address and write " I object to SB126 ". It only takes 5 minutes-- or call and leave a brief message.(you can also add each of their addresses to the same email)
We need to take a breather and consider what is best for the horses. This really is important.
New Mexico Livestock Board (NMLB) is in court for allegedly abducting
and selling protected wild horses illegally at auction, and to kill
Pat Woods and the Attorney General are trying to change the law
midstream to enable wild horses to be considered livestock and
disenfranchise the people and the judicial branch of government.
bill as amended, states livestock does not have to be domestic or
owned, which is required by federal law, and weakens the status of our
wild horses.
- This definition would conflict with the federal definition of livestock - Allows road kill of many animals to be defined as Livestock - Allows exotic animals in captivity to be defined as livestock! - Conflicts with the NM State Wild Horse protection statute - Endangers federally protected wild horses
the unintended consequence of passage of this bill by removing
federally required domesticated language would be to allow
non-domesticated feral or wild equines and exotic animals to be
slaughtered or sold for food in New Mexico.
Editor’s Note:
I realize this was an inflammatory issue before, but I’m not sure the
changes posed are really going to help. If you think this is important,
please send the email. If not, don’t do anything and just see what
either of two horses with medical issues back into the wild with others
rounded up last year would be cruel, livestock officials contend
photo showing bay colored horses (photo by Mark Stambaugh in 2015)
motion was filed Thursday in the 12th Judicial District Court to modify
a temporary restraining order on the sale of members of a herd of
“wild” horses in Alto that would allow two of the horses to be adopted
for medical reasons.
The motion comes from the defendant
in litigation filed last year by Wild Horse Observers Association Inc.
against the New Mexico Livestock Board. The board is asking the court to
modify its orders of Sept. 8 and Dec. 5 to permit the two horses to be
adopted by local residents. In the motion, Attorney Gen. Hector
Balderas, who represents the livestock board, wrote that despite
repeated requests, the attorney for the association has not provided a
substantive response and he presumes the association opposes the motion.
Patience O’Dowd, who heads the association, said Monday, WHOA has not
been allowed to see all the veterinarian’s reports or to send in another
“Attorney Gen. Balderas and the (livestock
board) are opposing WHOA’s 2007 passed legislation in court, which
currently is the only legal avenue to adoption of any of New Mexico’s
wild horses, including these two,” she said. “This motion is just
look-good noise.”
2007 legislation, Senate Bill 655, says that a wild horse captured on
public land will be tested and if it is not a Spanish colonial horse,
“it shall be returned to the public land, relocated to a public or
private wild horse preserve or put up for adoption by the agency on
whose land the wild horse was captured.”
Public land is
defined basically as all land except federal land controlled by the
Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service or state trust land
controlled by the State Land Office. A wild horse is defined as an
unclaimed horse on public land that is not an estray. The bill was
signed by the governor and codified in state statutes the same year it
In the motion filed Thursday, Balderas wrote, “In
the course of caring for the herd, the responsible residents have
observed that two specific horses …have pressing medical conditions that
require prompt attention and demonstrate that these two horses,
regardless of the court’s disposition of other issues in this case,
should remain in the care of a responsible human being and not be turned
loose to fend for themselves.”
The horses are under the
care of veterinarian Becky Washburn, who agreed the horses need to be
placed in private permanent homes, he wrote.
example of a sorrel color (photo by Mark Stambaugh, 2015)
The first
horse is a sorrel filly who has been cared for separately from the herd
because she was expelled many months before the board took possession
of the horses in August 2016. The mares of the herd have attacked her,
even trying through the fencing that separates her from them, he wrote.
The horse was described as having a twist in her spine and in her rear
right leg that can be seen when she walks. In cold weather, it is harder
for her to lie down and she has a rocking motion to help herself stand.
A tremor or muscle spasm also has been observed. She would not be a
good prospect for release back into the wild, “It in fact, would be
cruel to subject this filly to release,” according to the responsible
The second horse is a bay male who was kept by
a private individual for five months before the 12- members of the herd
were picked up and he was brought into the case. He suffers from
undescended testicles, which puts him at risk of developing testicular
cancer. Washburn recommended possible surgery. He was expelled from the
herd previously and shows signs that he is fully domesticated, Balderas
wrote in the motion.
“The board agrees that the residents
who have cared for the herd of horses are in the best position, along
with a licensed veterinarian with whom they have consulted, to assess
their welfare and their needs, and therefore, the board supports their
desire to adopt these two specific horses,” Balderas concluded in his
Substitution bill submitted after effect on future of wild horses questioned
Dianne L Stallings , Ruidoso News
Published 2:47 p.m. MT Jan. 27, 2017 | Updated 23 hours ago
of substitution bill to define horses as livestock and protect private
property rights not available except to legislators
A driver on New Mexico Highway 48 heading into Ruidoso caught this shot of the herd before they were rounded up last year.(Photo: Courtesy/Melissa Babcock
introduction of a bill in the 2017 session of the state legislature
that would redefine livestock in New Mexico, in effect, eliminating the
classification of “wild” horses, has some local herd advocates concerned
and contacting their legislators. By Monday, a substitution bill had
been submitted and the Senate Conservation Committee moved a hearing on
the issue back two days to 8:30 a.m. Thursday.
State Sen.
Pat Wood, a Republican from Quay County, submitted Senate Bill 126,
which was scheduled initially to be heard Tuesday in Santa Fe by the
Senate Conservation Committee on which Woods is the ranking member. He
said Friday the bill was aimed at protecting private property rights.
Others saw it differently. A copy of the substitution bill was not
online Monday and details about the changes were not available. "The
only ones to get to see it are the legislators," a committee spokesman
“The proposed amendment to the definition in the
livestock code is very significant,” a Santa Fe attorney with experience
in government said Friday about the original bill. “The effect is to
completely abolish the category of wild horses. It would have the effect
of overruling the opinion of the court of appeals. It would have the
effect of designating all horses found anywhere in the state as
‘livestock’. That means no more wild horses and possibly no more
personal horses. It also means that all horses whose owner is unknown
shall be considered estray. The changed definition of livestock would
automatically apply to estrays. The New Mexico Livestock Board disposes
of estrays, which means it would now dispose of formerly wild horses.”
year, advocates for several wild horse herds that roam the Alto and
Eagle Creek area of Lincoln County came to verbal blows with officials
from the state livestock board when the livestock staff rounded up about
a dozen members of one herd and hauled them to Santa Fe. Trying to keep
the horses in a “wild” definition to be released again, litigation was
filed challenging the board’s jurisdiction over the herd and asking the
court for a temporary injunction to stop the sale of the horses. That
case remains in the 12th Judicial District Court. The horses were
returned to the county where they are being kept together as a “herd,”
with as little human interaction as possible.
Court of Appeals ruling was produced as a result of litigation over
some wild horses in Placitas filed by an advocacy group known as the
Wild Horse Observers Association (WHOA). Patience O’Dowd, who heads that
group, was concerned Friday about more than the effect of the bill on
wild horses. She contended it also could impact safeguards on meat for
food consumption.
“I would have hoped to see either the
attorney general’s office or the New Mexico Livestock Board in doing the
fiscal analysis would have highlighted the issues this (original) bill
raises,” she said. “The definition of livestock at the state level goes
against the definition on the federal level and does not make it
stricter, but looser. I am quite surprised.
“At the
federal level, livestock is defined as domestic and owned, which gives
some control over what we end up eating. The way they have it written,
how do we know it is not road kill?”
“(Livestock board
officials) have gone into court and the appellate court ruling let them
know clearly that all horses are not livestock,” she said. “The attorney
general’s office is (the livestock board’s) lawyer and they should be
clear on that decision. Even if they pass this law, all horses will not
be livestock in this state, because there are federal horses in the in
Cibola National Forest in Socorro. So again, they are going against
federal law and the state does not have that right. They can make
stricter laws, like if they wanted to say horses are wild in forest, but
stop helicopter round ups. But especially involving food safety, it’s
almost an insult to New Mexico. What do they think we are?”
a short break in the legislature’s session Friday, Woods told the
Ruidoso News that his bill had nothing to do with conflicting state and
federal laws about wild horses.
“After reading some
articles in the newspapers and talking to some brand inspectors, I began
to wonder if a private landowner had a horse that strayed on him, who
does he call,” Woods said. “Who takes jurisdiction over that horse when
(the property owners) has something impacting him that is not his and
he’s wanting to get it off his property. I think the courts kind of left
that up in the air. What I intended to do with my bill is simply give
the livestock board jurisdiction over horses. That way that guy out in
the country wherever in New Mexico has one place to call to let them
deal with a stray horse.”
Woods said he’s been contacted
by people who are concerned about the wild horse herds, “But really,
that’s got nothing to do with the bill I’m running. What I’m trying to
do is protect private property rights.” The senator said the livestock
board seemed to him as the logical agency to handle such horses, but
others point to state Game and Fish, which operates wildlife refuges
across New Mexico.
“This has nothing to do with federal
lands, it has nothing to do with any of that, it’s just to do with
private property rights,” Woods said. “They want to bring up the fact
that there are federal and state laws that deal with wild horses. I’m
not talking about any of that stuff. I’m talking about what a private
property owner, and what does he do.”
In an analysis of
the (original) bill, the AG’s office stated that SB126 “will assist the
livestock board in the successful enforcement of existing laws regarding
the health, ownership and transportation of livestock in the state by
eliminating inconsistencies in the statutory definitions.” The AG’s
staff noted that it may be worth investigating the legal implications of
adding “carcasses” to the definition of livestock to persons who trade
in animal carcasses, among them butchers, whose job is to remove meat
from carcasses, and people who traffic in hides.
Department of Game and Fish officials asserted that to remove “domestic
or domesticated” from the state law could create ambiguity in the
management authority between two statutes, one for protected wildlife
species and game fish, especially as it pertains to the management
authority of certain species of poultry, sheep and goats.
the Legislative Finance Committee’s analysis of the bill, no fiscal
impact was noted. In the bill’s synopsis, the authors wrote that
existing language includes domestic animals used or raised on a farm or
ranch, but the amendment would remove that wording. “Language including
the carcasses of animals covered in those definitions, as well as exotic
animals in captivity, is added,” they note.
Former state
senator Steve Komadina weighed in on the original bill in a letter
supplied to the Ruidoso News dated Jan. 27, and addressed to the
conservation committee chairman. He pointed out that legislation on a
state level could not preempt federal law and also had to be compatible
with state law.
"This SB126 is fraught with legal issues
as it conflicts with at least four laws and regulations at the same time
risking food safety in New Mexico," he wrote, adding that the bill
appeared to have been "hastily written and hastily reviewed." The
attorney general caught neither the issues put forward by game and fish
nor those he noted, Komadina wrote. He also disagreed that no fiscal
impact would be involved, noting that the state already
spent thousands of dollars fighting horse slaughter since 2013. "The
unintended consequences of passage of this bill by removing domesticated
language would be to allow nondomesticated animals feral or wild
equines to be slaughtered for food in New Mexico and jeapardize our food
The bill "would raise further ethical issues of
disenfranchisement, judicial branch interference and even malfeasance,"
he wrote. Komadina noted that wild horses are a big tourism draw.
He asked that the bill be tabled for the 2017 session of the
Reviewing the court of appeals decision, the
Santa Fe attorney who ask not to be identified, cited several
conclusions of the court finding that wild undomesticated horses are not
estray, because they are not livestock. State code defines a “wild
horse” as “an unclaimed horse on public and that is not an estray,” and
livestock is defined as “all domestic or domesticated animals that are
used or raised on a farm or ranch and includes horses” and a list of
other animals.
The association contended the Placitas
horses were not livestock, because they never were domesticated or used
or raised on a farm or ranch, a definitional requirement. The livestock
board and intervenors contended that the “plain and unambiguous
definition of livestock means and includes all horses everywhere in New
Mexico.” They argued that carving wild horses out of the definition of
livestock would be illogical, impractical and unfeasible to implement,
because wild horses would be exempt from cruelty, sale and
transportation provisions of the livestock code.
court wrote that it agreed with the association and concluded that
livestock does not cover the five undomesticated animals in Placitas
that were the subject of the litigation. The judge wrote that other
animals are excluded from the definition such as bighorn sheep and
bison, turkey, deer and elk commonly found in New Mexico.
board is required to search for the owner of estray livestock, publish
notice of the impoundment of estray livestock and eventually, sell
estray livestock for the benefit of the owner. Surely, the legislature
did not intent to require that the board search for the owner of wild
animals, including sheep, bison, turkey, deer, elk and other wild
animals that are not domesticated, impound them proceed to publish
notification of the impoundment and then proceed to sell them,” the
appeals court wrote. The judge went on to conclude that to avoid an
unreasonable result, “we interpret the definition of livestock to
include only domestic or domesticated animals, while game animals
includes only wild animals, thus we reject the argument that all horses
anywhere in New Mexico are livestock because horses are included within
the definition of livestock.”
O’Dowd urged those opposed
to the proposed changes to the existing language defining livestock or
seeking more information to contact the chairman of the Conservation
Committee Joseph Cervantes, a Democrat from Dona Ana County, at
505-986-4869 or 505-986-4393, and Attorney General Balderas at
575-490-4060. Lincoln County is represented in the Senate by Sens.
William Burt, a Republican from Alamogordo, in District 33 and Elizabeth
Stefanics, a Democrat in Santa Fe from in District 39.